What’s keeping you from everything you ever wanted to achieve?

Figuring that out by yourself isn’t always easy.

Especially in these uncertain and changing times. With &Co Coaching, you don’t have to go it alone. You’re in good company, with highly experienced and caring support by your side. My role is to walk the path with you, wherever the journey takes us. I approach the challenge with compassion and acceptance, meeting you where you are. Together, we open the door to possibilities that help you realize your potential, remembering the truth of who you are.

What’s keeping you from everything you ever wanted to achieve?

Figuring that out by yourself isn’t always easy.

Especially in these changing and uncertain times. With &Co Coaching, you don’t have to go it alone. You’re in good company, with highly experienced and caring support by your side. My role is to walk the path with you, wherever the journey takes us. I approach the challenge with compassion and acceptance, meeting you where you are. Together, we open the door to possibilities that help you realize your potential, remembering the truth of who you are.

The privilege of life is to become who you truly are.
Carl Jung

About &Co

As a coach, my focus is on helping you:

  • Better understand your identity and let go of others’ expectations – “Who am I if I don’t have this job, this relationship, make this money, etc.?”
  • Attain a deeper purpose, quality and integrity of life – “How can I attain more meaning, coming home to the self-realization, the true nature of who I truly am?”
  • Actualize and achieve new personal/career heights – “What can I do to better strategize my life or career transition?”
  • Work through the overwhelm with less stress and more ease – “Why do I feel so tired and burned out?”
  • Rediscover the joy and gratitude in life – “I have everything I thought I ever wanted, so why do I still feel something is missing?”

Coaching is for individuals willing to invest in themselves. They may be lifelong learners who sense an urgency about their situation. They are coachable, respect the process and value the commitment required for change to occur.

I have the privilege of working with and championing those who aspire to explore new opportunities, retool their careers, establish their personal brand “identity,” make big strategic shifts in their world and in their development, and want to realize greater happiness and contentment. Often, they may be stuck in limiting beliefs or paralyzed by fear. I have a special interest in working with those dealing with others around addiction, are caretaking for the elderly, have attachment concerns or are open to examining the Enneagram.

They could be executives, physicians, newly assigned leaders, developing new skills, building confidence, overcoming obstacles, striving to optimize their performance and communication, or preparing for advancement. Others are looking to develop their potential as a part of a legacy or succession plan, exceeding their wildest expectations. I help them prepare for the future they want — dismiss the future they don’t want — and discern between the two.

There is a place in me I haven’t gone yet.
Gail Godwin

The Methodology

I practice Integral Coaching® — a methodology named for its comprehensive approach to addressing the whole person.

It factors in everything about your world — both inner and outer — and may include thoughts, beliefs, emotions, intentions, spirituality, relationships and physiology. Building on a foundation of mutual trust, we awaken the “inner observer,” drawing from the wisdom of the head, heart and body to identify themes, create solutions and develop a uniquely designed path forward. Moving from reactive to responsive behavior, the resulting effect encompasses long-term excellence, the ability to self-correct, and the competence to be self-generating.

Working Together

Change doesn’t happen overnight, and new practices have to take root to support desired shifts.

Co-created by You

I provide one-on-one programs, co-created with you, to address specific objectives and a variety of needs. We are often able to make overlooked mental connections, helping you to more easily see how the pieces connect, allowing us to form a better plan. This collaboration starts with thoughtful inquiry and results in an individualized roadmap that can be used to strategically and intentionally help move you toward your goals.

My Offerings

I’m available for support, guidance and resources to coach groups or teams and lead workshops. The focus can range anywhere from leadership to career development and from stress management to team building

Our Flexibility

We meet via video, phone or in person — whatever way works best for you. Most with full lives and calendars prefer to meet online so they can easily fit sessions into their schedules and save precious time.

A Commitment

While you ultimately set the pace, I suggest meeting on a regular basis for a committed period to achieve optimal results. It’s called a practice as that’s what’s done over time to realize change.

The beauty of this process, however, is what actually happens between sessions.

When you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.
George Harrison


I am a certified and seasoned executive coach with a natural curiosity and passion for helping others realize insights and achieve their goals.

Chris Orzechowski

Prior to coaching, I was a senior marketing leader with more than 30 years of experience building brands for some of our nation’s largest organizations. During this time, I became very familiar with the politics and processes of non-profits and for-profits from the office to the boardroom. I’ve coached leaders, grown teams, directed departments, groomed and mentored staff, and counseled C-suite executives through pitfalls to performance.

I spearheaded the rebranding of Susan G. Komen for the Cure and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and I was on the team that launched the Edith Sanford Breast Cancer Foundation. I’ve worked in animal health as Chief Marketing Officer of Morris Animal Foundation and most recently as the Vice President of Marketing and Communications for the Dumb Friends League, a leader in animal welfare.

I received a Master of Liberal Arts from Southern Methodist University and a Bachelor of Fine Arts with a minor in marketing from the University of North Texas.

I earned professional certification (PCC) as an Integral Coach® through the ICF-accredited ACTP at New Ventures West. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.

A mind that is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.

Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

Some Inspiration

A collection of ideas that inspire.

Coping Through COVID-19

Coping Through COVID-19

During these changing times, if you are in need of connection, I invite you to be part of this 6-week small group supportive series of thoughtful conversations.

By: Chris Orzechowski

Anxious About What’s Next? Here’s How to Cope

Anxious About What’s Next? Here’s How to Cope

These liminal periods — at the boundary of a new state or experience — are complex spaces to occupy. They can make us feel untethered and disoriented. But at the same time, they have great potential.

By: Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter
Published In: Harvard Business Review

Unpacking the Whys

Unpacking the Whys

Join us for a fun, engaging, interactive and experiential 6-week group exploration into what we believe and how we may be conditioned to those beliefs.

By: Chris Orzechowski

What to Do When Work Feels Meaningless

What to Do When Work Feels Meaningless

Crises interrupt the passive unfolding of our lives and make us more aware of what truly matters. So we’re most apt to gain life-changing insights during them.

By: Frank Martela and Derin Kent
Published in: Harvard Business Review

After a While

After a While

By: Veronica A Shoffstall

After a while
you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn love doesn’t mean leaning and company doesn’t always mean security.

The Enneagram Journey

The Enneagram Journey

The enneagram is such a gift, and its a gift that was given to me, and I love re-gifting it.

By: Suzanne Stabile

Coping Through COVID-19

Coping Through COVID-19

During these changing times, if you are in need of connection, I invite you to be part of this 6-week small group supportive series of thoughtful conversations.

By: Chris Orzechowski

Anxious About What’s Next? Here’s How to Cope

Anxious About What’s Next? Here’s How to Cope

These liminal periods — at the boundary of a new state or experience — are complex spaces to occupy. They can make us feel untethered and disoriented. But at the same time, they have great potential.

By: Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter
Published In: Harvard Business Review

Unpacking the Whys

Unpacking the Whys

Join us for a fun, engaging, interactive and experiential 6-week group exploration into what we believe and how we may be conditioned to those beliefs.

By: Chris Orzechowski

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now.
Chinese Proverb


Talk to me, type to me or text me.

If you have any questions about my approach, or if you’d like a sounding board for a professional or personal challenge, let’s set up a free discovery call. I’d be glad to listen and discuss how I may help.


Dallas, TX, and Denver, CO (or virtually anywhere)